Mountain Climbing in Killarney

It’s a sight that the locals of Killarney are most fortunate to wake up to every day but to a visitor to Killarney the impressive sight of the McGillycuddy Reeks is one of awe. Ireland’s largest mountain range looms right over the entire town and dips in to the Lakes of Killarney, creating a reflection and a backdrop that cannot be rivalled anywhere else in Ireland.

While they are of course amazing to view, you can also experience them for yourself close up. Mountain hikers and climbers of all grades will revel with the choice of hikes that are available. Torc Mountain is closest to us here at The Victoria, located approximately 5km from the start point, it’s a beginner level climb but it offers one of the most spectacular views of any mountain in Ireland. At the peak you can see all three lakes of Killarney and even the Dingle Mountains.