Fishing and Boating

The Lakes of Killarney is a popular destination for fishing enthusiasts. There are three Lakes in Killarney, the Lower Lake, Middle Lake and the Upper Lake. Killarney has some of the best Salmon and Brown Trout waters in Ireland and is an ideal base for the fishing enthusiast.

Trolling for Salmon is popular as is Fly-fishing for Trout with wet flies and spinners.

The most popular flies are Bibio, Black Zulu, Jungle Cock, Bog Fly, Alder, and early in the season Hawthorn’s and Duck Flies.

Trout fishing on the Lakes of Killarney is free and for a small licence fee you fish for Wild Atlantic Salmon.


River Laune

The River flows from the Killarney Lakes. Salmon, Trout and Sea Trout fishing available. Sea shore, beach and deep sea fishing options are available at many points around the Atlantic Kerry Coast.

The River Flesk is located adjacent to The Victoria. You can purchase a permit in the town centre.